Serenity Movement
A safe and inclusive collective
Lauren founded Serenity Movement to share tools and knowledge that help bring harmony and balance back into the mind and body. Time on the mat with Lauren focuses on empowering you to become curious, move intuitively with all aspects of yourself and accepting what is without judgment. So that the more come back to these shared practices, the more you’ll carry the knowledge with you off of the mat.
The spaces held within Serenity Movement aim to empower you to become more aware of what you need, who you are and how you can honour all of that.
What is known today, was unknown yesterday.
This life is temporary, we do not know what tomorrow holds.
Why waste a second of it?
BSc Nursing Studies
Neonatal Care: Qualified in Speciality PG certification
200-hour RYT Ashtanga and Vinyasa
50-hour RYT Yoga Nidra
50-hour Hands-on Adjustment
Crystal Singing Bowls Sound Therapy Training / Ali Young
Trauma-Sensitive Yoga and Mindfulness for Self-Healing / Spira Lotus